MaxFulfillment: MAXIMIZING SUCCESS, FULFILLMENT (what we ultimately want)
Through Health, Wellness and Well-Being (or life, work life balance) utilizing
Health, Nutrition, Diet Checkup March & April Meeting (HCT SAMPLE/EXAMPLE)
In the HCT March, 3/12 meeting, Sunday, Co-Facilitator did a presentation on 2 ALKALINE ACIDIC BALANCE and 3 BASAL TEMPERATURE in Health Nutrition Diet Checkup
What she presented and handed out, plus her classes, which is what’s needed for 1 - 4 below are in Resources under Health, Nutrition, Diet Checkup.
I am excited that we all wanted to work on and then share in the April, 4/14 meeting what happened, our experience learning, applying, implementing 2 and 3.
You and anyone else are of course welcome to work on 2, 3 or any of the other Checkup components. For 4 Blood Type, you can use a Blood Typing Kit (in Resources) and don't have to donate blood to find out your Blood Type.
HEALTH, NUTRITION, DIET CHECKUP is for changing, strengthening or improving diet, nutrition and body that leads to PREVENTION and OPTIMAL HEALTH, Wellness.
That also helps build a strong, healthy body AND immune system that is what combats viruses, disease, sickness or illness.
This is How to best utilize, "make the most of" 2 ALKALINE ACIDIC BALANCE and 3 BASAL TEMPERATURE in Health, Nutrition, Diet Checkup.
What’s needed for 1 - 4 below are in Resources under Health, Nutrition, Diet Checkup
1 Do the pH TESTING and BASAL TEMPERATURE READINGS for a week or as much as you can using the pH and Basal Temp Tracking Chart. How to do the readings and testing is on the back of the Tracking Chart.
A Importance of an Alkaline Diet on the back of the Alkaline Acidic Food Chart
B How acidic are you? front and back
3 Study, learn all about the ALKALINE ACIDIC FOOD CHART and then see what that immediately tells you if what you are eating is alkaline or acidic. Take notes.
4 Use the FOOD DIARY in 1 to 3 ways.
A Fill in a Food Diary with the ideal, the model of what your diet should be for the best Alkaline Acidic Balance. It’s a guide to making sure you are eating the right alkaline foods for you and not eating the acidic foods you should avoid.
B Use one to honestly track how you are eating now for a day to a week. Then compare it to the Alkaline Acidic Food Chart and A for an understanding of how alkaline or acidic your diet is and what needs to change.
C Before the next 4/14 meeting or anytime, you could do a before and after. Track how you are currently eating with a Food Diary. Compare it to A or B to see how your alkaline, acidic diet or eating had changed, improved, stayed the same, become more balanced or not.
What would SUPPORT, ASSIST OR HELP YOU OUT? What questions, comments or suggestions do you have? What do you want to know, bring up or discuss?
Post them here and/or contact Randy, 847 809-4821
Thanks, Randy
In the April HCT meeting, GD was introduced to Alkaline Acidic Balance which is 2 in Health, Nutrition, Checkup. Below is the plan we worked out for her to apply, use what she learned. Anyone is welcome to make any comments, ideas or suggestions; share their Alkaline, Acidic Balance learning and applying experience or you may be new and wondering how to get started.
GD, Hi! Here’s the link to the Health, Nutrition, Diet Checkup we were going over Note the Resources and Health, Nutrition, Diet tools and resources for Alkaline Acidic Balance and other Checkup steps.
Thank you! for coming and do come again and see Sunday. You are welcome to call, email me anytime with any questions that you might have or any support you would like. Do know that you always have someone to listen, be a “sounding board”, discuss, ask questions, take a next step.
I thought I would summarize what we discussed and what I am suggesting you could do, which is what I did.
I first found out what I was actually, honestly eating that was an eye popper, big surprise or “wake up call”. It made me “face the facts” and a huge motivator that I really needed to do something, take action.
I needed to ease into eliminating acidic foods and adding alkaline ones before I could step up the eliminating and adding. That is what the pH urine tests will probably show you need to do anyway. You can get pH test strips from Sunday anytime.
1 Use a Food Diary to honestly track what you actually eat and drink in the next 2 to 5 days.
2 Then using the Alkaline Acidic Food Chart, mark which ones are Acidic, AC and which ones are Alkaline, AK.
There will likely be a huge imbalance with much more food and drink on the Acidic, rather than Alkaline side.
3 So then using another Food Diary, list Acidic foods you could comfortably, be okay with first eliminating from your diet and then Alkaline foods you like, would be comfortable with first adding to your diet. It’s like making a food shopping list.
4 The pH urine tests may show that your Alkaline Acidic Balance is way off like it was for me. So that for a while you will need to eat as much Alkaline foods as you can and eliminate as many acidic ones as you can.
I hope this helps and if there is anything else let me know. Do keep me in touch with what happens as you work with your Alkaline Acidic Balance. When you are ready, I am glad to take the next step with you, probably the Lab tests, 1 in Health, Nutrition, Diet Checkup.
Best, Randy
JC who was also at the April meeting has been continuing with his assessment or checkup of his health.
Basil temperature was low but then came back up close to normal. It confirms needing to improve the health of his thyroid. His pH urine tests showed that his body was too acidic.
So JC needs to be more consistent with taking vitamins, exercising more and eating more vegetables.
He was walking for exercise but needs to do more. JC has an idea that would help him and maybe others. People would walk more if they had someone to walk with. They would get to know people, feel safer taking walks and look forward to walking. It could lead to friendships, social gatherings, health and diet support like exchanging recipes and eating more vegetables. Who would be interested in a walking buddy or knows about a walking group/club?
With regard to eating more vegetables, JC would like vegetable recipes. How do you flavor vegetables without having to always use salt?
You hear about how important fresh vegetables are for our diet and health. But how do we eat the freshest vegetables? JC would like to know about farm stands and farmer markets and make a list. Who knows of one they like or would recommend.
He would also like to try growing his own vegetables again. If you don’t have space or place for a garden, then take advantage of community gardens and community garden memberships. JC recommends that if you find and eat a vegetable you particularly like, then save the seeds and grow them.
He suggested having a speaker on how you have freshest, best vegetables; gardens, growing vegetables; community gardens, community garden memberships; farm stands, farmers markets. Does anyone have a recommendation?