Not The Answer, but

HCT (HEALTH Change, Support and Accountability TEAM/COMMUNITY)

There’s way too much information.
What’s needed is transformation,

Comprehensive Action Plan


How do you change, strengthen or improve your health, nutrition and diet in whatever way you would like; what you want for it the most? 

One way along with other change agents in is with the Comprehensive Action Plan below.  It’s also a common denominator; something we all can do and support, assist one another with anytime, and that literally puts us all “on the same page”.   

You don’t have to do all the steps and can change the order around as you see fit. Make the Comprehensive Action Plan serve you.
Note, important:  If you don’t know, find out what you want/need to change, strengthen or improve the most by completing this HEALTH, NUTRITION, DIET  Questionnaire

See for more info about the HEALTH, NUTRITION, DIET Change, Support & Accountability TEAM. 


Comprehensive Action Plan
(Based on 8-Step Action Plan University of Warrick)

Date ___________________________________________________

Step 1:

Identify or clarify your health, nutrition, diet goals, objectives; what do you want/need to change, strengthen or improve.

Clarity is very important here.  The more clearly you can visualise/articulate your goal, the easier it is to plan a path towards it.

Step 2:

Set SMART objectives (Specific, Measurable, Achievable, Realistic, Time bound)

These should:

  • Be precise
  • Be expressed in positive language
  • Start with an action verb to ensure they are focused on something that can be achieved (e.g. complete, publish, investigate, propose, revise, plan, install)

For example:

  • Read 3 articles on vitamins and talk to 2 health food stores about vitamins by x date. 
  • Make an appointment with a health, nutrition, diet expert and have 10 questions ready to ask him/her by x date. 

Step 3:

Identify specific tasks and action steps for achieving goals, objectives and prioritize them.

Break down any large objectives into smaller tasks, so they are not as difficult to achieve.  Consider what you will do now, daily, weekly, and not just 2, 4 or 6 months later.

Step 4:

Identify any challenges, barriers, and “self-defeating tendencies” to achieving any of the Steps.  How will they be addressed and resolved?

Step 5:

Determine who can support, assist or help you with completing any of the Steps and being accountable for anything you agree to do.  You may want to form your own team or advisory board.

For example, if you listed ‘procrastination’ in Step 4, you could arrange for a friend or relative to support you to keep going with achieving the objectives you set in Step 2.

Step 6:

Determine and list what tools, skills and resources you will need for completing any of the Steps, and how you will obtain them. 

Step 7:

Decide on a realistic timeline or timeframe for achieving the Steps above. 

Step 8:

Review and assess your progress with the Steps and what may need to be changed, strengthened, improved or renegotiated.

Keep a diary or logbook of your Action Plan activities and record, keep track of your progress on a regular, consistent basis like every 3 or 4 days.  Review how many action steps you have taken, identify any mistakes you have made, what you can learn from them, and any new ideas or opportunities that may have come up.  Then see how they can be incorporated into any of the Steps in your Comprehensive Action Plan.
If you have any questions; need further info, details; support or assistance, contact Randy, 847 809-4821,