Do you know about the bad, dreadful state/condition our health is in (1 in https://maxfulfillment.kinsta.cloud/healthpurpose/)? For examples:
X Overweight you look around and see on our bodies;
X Widespread disease, sickness, “aches and pains” and consumption of prescription and over the counter drugs you see and hear about so much, too much;
X Those feeling fine, no sign of any problem, okay diet, good physical. Then all of a sudden wham-bam heart attack, cancer, diabetes or alzheimer’s/dementia;
X Medications needed to keep us going; alive, and that compromise beyond repair proper functioning of our body’s organs!
Do you realize how much of that might be Prevented AND have Optimal Health, Wellness?
How is that possible, and why not a Physical?
A Physical Exam/Checkup is for finding out serious deficiency or excess, and if there is disease, sickness or something that could kill you.
But that doesn’t really tell if you are healthy, have a “clean bill of health” because it doesn’t show or result in:
1 Vitamins, minerals, nutrients that are deficient, excessive; missing or lacking (30 possibilities and major reason for disease, sickness, “aches and pains”). Important to see Resources below about them.
2 Issues, problems or concerns with health, body and diet that are early or just starting up, and
3 Changes, improvements or breakthroughs targeted, tailor-made to exactly/precisely what your particular body, diet, health needs or requires!
That’s what Health, Nutrition, Diet Checkup maxfulfillment.kinsta.cloud/healthcheckup/ can show or lead to. That:
♥ Brings about Optimal Health, Wellness and Prevention, Freedom (free as possible from disease, sickness, “aches and pains” and drugs), and also
♥ Helps BUILD A STRONG IMMUNE SYSTEM that COMBATS VIRUSES, disease, sickness and illness.
So, what are the components of a HEALTH, NUTRITION, DIET CHECKUP? It’s bringing in any, what you can:
1 Any lab tests usually from a Physical like Basic or Comprehensive Metabolic Panel; Complete Blood Count (CBC); Lipid Panel; Thyroid Stimulating Hormone. Request copies from your doctor’s office.
2 Results of pH urine tests. Take 1 in the morning after getting out of bed and another in the evening between 5 and 7 pm before dinner. If possible, track that for a week using the Tracking Chart in Resources below. See Resources below for how to obtain pH test strips.
3 Basal temperature. Take your temperature upon waking and before getting out of bed. If possible, track that for a week using the Tracking Chart in Resources below
4 Blood type. Find your blood type for free by donating blood or use a blood type test kit. See Resources below for how to obtain one.
5 Filled-in Food Diary from a day to a week. One you can use is in Resources below.
6 Any medications; prescription, over the counter drugs you are taking. Make a list with dosage.
7 Anything else you would include in Health, Nutrition, Diet Checkup. Let me know.
Health, Nutrition, Diet Checkup
Checkup is completed with health, nutrition, diet expert or practitioner. This one is based on the teachings and counsel of Sunday Muniz, Nutritional Designs https://www.nutritionaldesigns.com/
1 Identifying deficient, excessive; missing or lacking vitamins, minerals, nutrients using Lab tests above.
2 Finding out your alkaline acidic balance, how alkaline or acidic your body is using pH urine test results and alkaline acidic food chart.
3 Finding out how the organs of your body are functioning using basal temperature results.
4 Determining highly beneficial foods vs ones aggravating health concerns or issues based on Blood Type.
5 Assessment of health and diet, and how it can be changed, strengthened or improved using filled-in Food Diary, 1, 2 and 4.
6 Analysis of medications; prescription, over the counter drugs you are taking. Why are they being taken; what’s beneficial and detrimental to your body and health? What medications, drugs can be lessened or replaced with change in diet, vitamins, minerals and supplements?
7 Anything else you would include in Health, Nutrition, Diet Checkup.
The result is 1, 2 and 3 on top.
♥ Vitamins, minerals, nutrients that are deficient, excessive; missing or lacking. See Resources below.
♥ Health issues, concerns or “aches and pains” that are early or just starting and can be taken care of right away (“nip it in the bud”).
♥ Changes or improvements that are exactly/precisely what your particular body, diet, health need for Optimal Health, Wellness, and Prevention, Freedom (free as possible from disease, sickness, “aches and pains” and drugs).
For example,
♥ You could be deficient or missing any one of the most common vitamin, mineral, nutrient deficiencies listed in the Resources below and need to supplement them.
♥ Your body may be so acidic that a strong Alkaline Diet is required for the time being.
♥ As a result of your blood type, you may need to stop eating favorite foods and replacing them with ones you aren’t use to. That might also be a difficult change and adjustment.
A next step is to utilize Change, Improvement and Optimal Health Model maxfulfillment.kinsta.cloud/healthmodel/ to make changes, improvements or breakthroughs for your Optimal Health, Wellness and Prevention, Freedom. #1 is Health, Nutrition, Diet Checkup you have already completed!
For Health, Nutrition, Diet Checkup anytime; any questions, further info; discussion; support, assistance, contact:
Randy Bennett Ed.D.
Change, Support and Accountability TEAM)
847 809-4821, randy@maxfulfillment.com
Resources below are for the Health, Nutrition, Diet Checkup based on the teachings and counsel of Sunday Muniz, Nutritional Designs https://www.nutritionaldesigns.com/ and gaining the most out of it, such as learning more about vitamins, minerals, nutrients—over 30 of them!; their deficiencies/excesses and which ones you might have. That helps with a Checkup and knowing exactly, precisely what your particular body, diet and health needs. That learning can be accomplished with the Change, Improvement and Optimal Health Model mentioned above.
Vitamins, minerals, nutrients sustain life, and how we grow, develop and function normally so their deficiency or excess results in disease, sickness or illness. Much like how water and nutrients make plants grow; without them or too much of them, they die. You may have experienced that yourself with a plant you had!
1 Alkaline Diet Importance and Chart
Alkaline Diet Importance Chart ND
2 Blood Typing Kit
Can order online https://www.4yourtype.com/genotyping-kit-btk/ 877.226.8973 M-Th, 9:00 AM-4 PM EST; Fri 9:00 AM-1:00 PM EST or purchase from Sunday, Nutritional Designs 5220 Washington Ave #101, Racine, WI 262 632-6500.
3 Food Diary Food-diary vertex.
4 How Acidic Alkaline are You
How acidic alkaline are you
5 pH and Basal Temperature Tracking Chart
pH Basal Temp Tracking Chart ND
6 pH test kits
Can order online from https://www.microessentiallab.com/ProductInfo/F01-SHTRG-055080-SRD.aspx 718 338-3618, 8 – 4 EST or purchase from Sunday, Nutritional Designs 5220 Washington Ave #101, Racine, WI 262 632-6500.
7 Classes pertaining to
Health, Nutrition, Diet Checkup
Blood Type Basics
Making Sense of Your Meds
pH and Your Health 101
Stand Up For Your Health (Lab Tests)
https://www.nutritionaldesigns.com/blog and
register, login
1 Nutrition, diet, wellness classes
https://www.nutritionaldesigns.com/blog and
register, login
Basics of a Multivitamin
Drink Water Be Healthy
Blood Type Basics
Eat Right for Your Blood Type
Coconut Oil
Eat Fat, Get Healthy-
1 Which Fats Are Healthy
2 How to Ingest Fats
3 The Need for Omega 3’s
Know Your Thyroid
Liquid Sunshine in a Bottle-Vitamin D
Magnesium Part 1-3
pH and Your Health 101
2 Something fun, don’t take seriously
4 Easy Self-Tests for Vitamin Deficiencies Oz
www.doctoroz.com › videos › 4-easy-self-tests-vitamin-deficiencies.
What are most common vitamin, mineral, nutrient deficiencies?
3 7 Nutrient Deficiencies That Are Incredibly Common
4 Nutritional Deficiencies (Malnutrition)
5 Missing Nutrients in Your Food
6 5 Common Nutrient Deficiencies that Americans Have
What are most prevalent vitamin, mineral, nutrient deficiencies
for particular groups?
7 8 Nutrients You May Be Missing If You’re Vegetarian or Vegan
8 8 Common Nutrient Deficiencies on a Low-Carb Diet
9 What Nutrients Are Lacking in Fast Foods?
Here is in-depth, detailed info about the most common vitamin, mineral, nutrient deficiencies.
10 Calcium
11 Folate
12 Iodine
13 Iron
14 Magnesium
15 Niacin
16 Potassium
17 Thiamin (Vitamin B1)
18 Vitamin A
19 Vitamin B6
20 Vitamin B12
21 Vitamin C
22 Vitamin D
Here is strong, solid knowledge and understanding about what nutrition and vitamins, minerals, nutrients are all about.
23 What is Nutrition and Why it Matters
24 How can antioxidants benefit our health?
Overall state/condition of our health and nutrition, vitamins, minerals and nutrients
25 Well Fed but Undernourished: An American Epidemic