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HCT (HEALTH Change, Support and Accountability TEAM/COMMUNITY)

There’s way too much information.
What’s needed is transformation,



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Through Health, Wellness and Well-Being (or life, work life balance) utilizing  

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Biweekly Health Change and Meeting

1 Posts
1 Users
Randy Bennett Ed.D.
Joined: 10 years ago
Posts: 9
Topic starter  

♦ Do you "know perfectly well" what you need to do, but aren’t doing it?

♦ Trying to make changes, improvements or breakthroughs but are not successful?  

♦ Facing challenges, blocks or excuses you are not overcoming?


Then the 4 step, ongoing Biweekly Health Change and Meeting below are for you and anyone you know.  That you can do by yourself or with another---partner, coach; team, community like the HCT Forum; Team/Community (   

1 What do you want/need to know, learn; change, strengthen or improve the most in the next 2 weeks by what date and time, such as

drink more water; exercise more; eat more of a plant-based, natural foods diet; take vitamins, minerals, supplements or more of them?

You can utilize, draw upon: 

       A Questionnaire

       B HCT Get and Keep Going Menu in

       C Information, Resource Center;

       D Other, what would you suggest or add?        


2 Using what SMART goal, action plan or behavior contract; other change agents to accomplish it (Resources in 


3 Gaining what support, assistance and accountability, such as with a support partner, coach; team, community like the HCT Forum; Team/Community.


4 Then at the 2-week date and time set in 1, meet with yourself, or partner, coach or team to see:

       A What you achieved/accomplished for 1, 2 and 3 in the last 2 weeks, and.  

       B What to do the next 2 weeks using 1-3 again. 


Keep 1-4 ongoing. That’s how to know, learn; change, strengthen or improve what your health needs the most and DO SOMETHING ABOUT 1 D!

You always have the HCT Forum; Team/Community (, and Randy for any questions, further info; discussion, meeting; support, assistance; talk, workshop, coaching. 

Thank you and appreciation! for any sharing, posting, passing HCT; Biweekly Health Change and Meeting along to others, and any input, ideas or suggestions.  

The discussion thread below is for sharing, posting what you are doing for 1-4 yourself or with a partner, coach or team. 

This topic was modified 5 years ago 16 times by Randy Bennett Ed.D.
This topic was modified 4 years ago 9 times by Randy Bennett Ed.D.
