Not The Answer, but

HCT (HEALTH Change, Support and Accountability TEAM/COMMUNITY)

There’s way too much information.
What’s needed is transformation,


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Affiliate Profile

Randy Bennett Ed.D.

MaxFulfillment (Vision)
MaxAdultsEducation (Prime Example)

Not The Answer but your answer

847 809-4821

Outstanding, compelling vision and service are two hallmarks of a great leader (formal and informal), and strong, pervasive themes in the leadership literature/body of knowledge.

So my grandest vision, mission is MaxFulfillment

1 Maximizing, optimizing organization AND individual (employee, staff; student, faculty) development, continuous improvement and success/fulfillment Having what’s needed when it’s needed at the click of a mouse Utilizing Services/OpportunitiesPrograms and Store   

2 In order to Be a best/great place to work, “employer of choice”, “best in class” (organization) AND have the professional, personal, career development, and work life balance/integration we want/need the most (individual)

3 That makes work/the workplace (and life) whatever we want it to be–satisfying, rewarding, enriching, successful, fulfilling.

For service, it highlights Meeting the Challenge and Responsibility of Leadership Plus Programs has four other Leadership programs.  


Here’s a prime example of that MaxFulfillment, Maximizing organization AND individual development…… vision, mission.

Maximizing, Optimizing Support and Advancement of Adults Education: Degree (Associate to Ph.D.), Certificate, Continuing Education—in School AND the Workplace and Community (MaxAdultsEducation;  

I have been, still am an Adult Student like you, from B.A. to Ed.D. They have been door openers, Passports to Success, and filled with “once in a lifetime”; life changing, transformative experiences.  I am impassioned and devoted to you being successful, fulfilled as well!


MaxFulfillment is augmented and enriched by my unique university and corporate background, experience and success– Bio, Testimonials


These 5 programs have a link, connection to the Store for MaxFulfillment  The Store includes and therefore promotes Affiliate programs in 5 ways.

1 MaxFulfillment

2 Services/Opportunities

3 Programs Some will be added to the Store.

4 MaxAdultsEducation

5 Adult Student and Career Services (ASCS)

They are also recommended, utilized in all 5. 


What I have been growing, evolving, strengthening/improving throughout my work life has been like putting together a 75 or more piece puzzle but with moving, changing parts, or like Thomas Edison needing to try so many different, countless ways before the light bulb went on.  

It has finally come together into a complete picture, a total, integrated way that has not happened before with the MaxFulfillment vision, mission, passion, and the Services/Opportunities, Programs and Store to fulfill it.  Plus there’s the “One Stop” ( if needed.

They are all ready to go where ever learning, applying/utilizing and benefiting from them can take place—guided by It’s not The Answer but your answer.

I am working with a leading, 6 figure marketer, entrepreneur, and have good, consistent marketing assistance that I haven’t had before.   Any ideas or suggestions for marketing, promoting are welcomed and appreciated. 

Thanks, Randy

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